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About Osereime



         Osereime Joseph Aimua was born on August 25, 1982 in Rayne, Louisiana. The name Osereime means “God’s Gift” in Nigerian. Osereime has tried his best to live up to his name over the years with his art as well as his life. Osereime’s family and friends contributed his strong focus, determination, work ethic, and are the primary architects in shaping Osereime into the person he is today. With these support systems in his life as guides, Osereime was shaped in to the man he is today.


        Going through life had its peaks and valleys for a young Osereime. But one thing stayed constant. He discovered that he had an artistic talent at the tender age of two. After years of developing his craft, he decided to pursue art on a professional level. This dream stayed in alive in him through high school.

        Throughout the years he met exceptional people who helped build up his confidence as a young man to pursue his destiny. Making the transition from high school to college was a tough one for him, because of his little knowledge about college art programs. Most of the people in Rayne never heard of anybody making a living as an artist. Osereime decided to attend Grambling State University. Grambling was a new experience for Osereine, and he enjoyed every minute of the experience. During his tenure at Grambling State Osereime realized there was something missing from his artwork. He knew the basic techniques, but his work lacked life and impact. The Professors were doing their jobs, but they couldn’t help Osereime get artistically to where he needed to go. Summer 2002, while helping his cousin move into her college dorm at Southern University in Baton Rouge, he decided to visit the art department there. As he met with the instructors a hunger to learn and create more overcame him, which is still burning in his soul to this day. This meeting along with other events influenced the next chapter of his life. So after two and a half years at Grambling, he transferred to Southern in search of what was missing in his art.


         When he arrived at Southern, he experienced artistic freedom for the first time. He was able to expand his art to any limits, and for once in his life his knowledge of art was matching his talent. He also met teachers who impacted his life who were able to light the fire of his artistic soul. Finally he was surrounded by colleagues that admired and respected him and were always willing to push him further. This is displayed in his artwork as he transitioned into graduate school.


          Osereime began his tenure as a master’s candidate at Howard University trying to address a very lofty thesis topic. The original objective presented a question pertaining to genealogy and lineage and the art would illustrate my journey to discover himself. The focus seemed to weigh more on a topic that would impress the world of art. Because of this the topic took more prevalence over the production of art.


          A realization happened while dealing with a creative blockage he suffered entering the program. The problem in which caused the stoppage of creativity was a result of a classic problem artists may face.  Instead of trying to find a higher meaning through dialogue and the work having a supporting role he realized the true voice of his art. This ordeal was necessary for growth at this juncture of his young career. His art evolved and matured into a strong body of work that contributes to the conversation that the art community invokes.


         The importance of understanding personal identity will help close an ambiguous chapter in Osereime’s life. The work embraces the essence of Osereime, and the person he aspires to be. New confidence as an artist derives from the realization of the work having a place in the world of art. The work adds to the ongoing conversation that artists share with the viewer and the art community.


Artist Statement


         As an artist, my objective is to motivate, inspire, and generate reflection through my work. I am grateful to possess a gift that can touch the world visually and emotionally. I want my art to stop people in their tracks. I feel that I haven’t done my job as an artist if the viewer doesn’t take a few moments to look at the work.  I want everyone who sees my art to be touched, and inspired to push their gifts to their limits.

          My art is primarily an extension of my overall creative being which stems from personal efforts to seek clarity on my lineage as a southern black man, and opens broadly to explore concerns and notions about identity, culture and mix heritage. Inspiration and influences to create the body of work comes to me from several artists in different disciplines.  I embrace these various ideas by merging traditional African symbolism alongside everyday images of today’s American culture. The work itself includes drawing, painting and sculpture. Layering and collage are visible throughout the body of the work which illustrates the complexity of the individual. The use of dry media is consistent throughout the work. The use of different media superimposed on one another expresses the complexity of an artist trying to find oneself and a place in the ever changing world of art.










Howard University


Years attended: Fall 2010 –  Spring 2013


Degree/Diploma: Master of Fine Arts: Spring 2013




Southern University and A&M College


Years attended: Spring 2003- Summer 2006


Degree/Diploma: Bachelor of Arts




Grambling State University


Years Attended: Fall 2000- Fall 2002


Degree/ Diploma: None (transferred schools)








Black Artists of D.C.


3/2011- present


Role: member




Creative Arts Society/Southern University and A&M College  


8/2003 – 6/2006


Role: Member/ Officer







- Grambling State University Student Exhibition


Spring 2002



 - Southern University Juried student Exhibition


 Spring 2003




- Prescott Middle school/ Black History Art Museum display


 Spring 2004



 - Southern University Juried student Exhibition


 Spring 2004




-   PoeArtry week Exhibition


 Spring 2004


Location: Southern University




- “Creative Glimpses” – Eight Rising Talents in African American Art


Spring 2004


Location: Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge



 - “Visions of Reality”


 Fall 2004


Location: Southern University; John B. Cade Library



- Southern University Juried student Exhibition


Spring 2005



 - Prescott Middle school/ Black History Art Museum display


Spring 2005



 - PoeArtry week Exhibition


Spring 2005


Location: Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA



 - Southern University Juried student Exhibition


Spring 2006



 -  PoeArtry week Exhibition  


Spring 2006


Location: Southern University, Baton Rouge, LA



-36th Annual Acadian Art show


Fall 2006


Location: Plaquemines, Louisiana




- Tangipahoa African American Heritage Museum Exhibit


Spring 2007


Location:  Hammond, Louisiana



-  Southern University Library Exhibition


Spring 2007


Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana




-22nd Annual Eye of the Beholder Exhibition


Fall 2007


Location: Lafayette, Louisiana



- 19th Annual Rice capital Juried Art Competition


March 2008


Location: Crowley Louisiana




-23rd Annual Eye of the Beholder Exhibition


Fall 2008


Location: Lafayette, Louisiana



- 20th Annual Rice capital Juried Art Competition


July 2009


Location: Crowley Louisiana




-21st Annual Rice capital Juried Art Competition


July 2010


Location: Crowley Louisiana




-Southern University Division of Fine Arts Inaugural Alumni Exhibition


October 2010


Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana




 -80th Annual Howard University Student Exhibition


February 2011


Location: Washington, D.C.




-Bombay Sapphire artisan Series D.C. Semifinal Exhibition


October 2011


Location: Washington, D.C.




-81st Annual Howard University Student Exhibition


February 2011


Location: Washington, D.C.




-Bombay Sapphire artisan Series D.C. Semifinal Exhibition


October 2012


Location: Washington, D.C.




-82n t Annual Howard University Student Exhibition


February 2013


Location: Washington, D.C.




-We Speak the Souls of Ancestors a featured Black History Month Art Exhibit


February 2013


Location: Washington, D.C.




- Howard University Bachelor and Master Degree Candidates   Exhibition


May 2013


Location: Washington, D.C.








2nd   place


Southern University Juried student Exhibition


 Spring 2006




Best in Show, First place, Honorable Mention


36th Annual Acadian Art show


Fall 2006


Location: Plaquemines, Louisiana




Best in Show, First Place


22nd Annual Eye of the Beholder Exhibition


Fall 2007


Location: Lafayette, Louisiana




First Place


19th Annual Rice capital Juried Art Competition


March 2008


Location: Crowley Louisiana




Best in Show


23rd Annual Eye of the Beholder Exhibition


Fall 2008


Location: Lafayette, Louisiana




Honorable Mention


20th Annual Rice capital Juried Art Competition


March 2009


Location: Crowley Louisiana




Honorable mention (painting)


80th Annual Howard University Student Exhibition


February 2011


Location: Washington, D.C.




First Place (drawing)


82nd Annual Howard University Student Exhibition


February 2013


Location: Washington, D.C.








“Aimua Rises to the Occasion”


The Southern Digest


April 13, 2004, Section Arts and Entertainment




Creative Glimpses- Eight Rising Talents in African American Art


The Southern Digest


Spring 2004, Section Arts and Entertainment




 22nd Annual Eye of the Beholder Exhibition


The Daily Advertiser


10/16/2007, Section: Community





 Interests / Volunteer Work:




S.U.M.P.A.A Black History Program


(Art display)


Spring 2006




Southern University Theatre Department stage construction crew


Spring 2006




Southern university Art dept. Wall project


(Creative Arts Society)


Spring 2004



 Southern University campus Mural project


(Creative Arts Society)


 Fall 2004



ART CART: Saving the Legacy


(Participant/ fellow)


Fall 2012 – Spring 2013





Osereime Aimua​

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